Thursday, May 1, 2008

Faithfulness beyond this world

Wow, so I would like to apologize for being such a bad blog writer. Well I hope my writing isn’t too bad or boring, but I definitely need to work on writing more frequently…

There are so many things that have been learning in the past couple of months. Its amazing how once you step out of what is familiar into a situation that is new and different, you become like a sponge soaking up new revelations that seem so clear now, but weren’t always that way…

To start out with- I’ve been learning more about the faithfulness of the Lord. He knows all of our needs even before we ask, as it says in the Bible we just need to look at how the Lord provides for the birds of the air and how He clothes the flowers of the earth so beautifully, and how the Lord cares so much more for us, His children, so we don’t need to worry. Yes, the Lord’s timing is very different from our timing, but thank goodness we have this hope in trusting that the Lord will provide!! So, a very recent example of this in my life is that I am very excited to say that I have received 97% of my total financial support in order to volunteer with eMi!! How awesome is that?! I praise the Lord for all you who have supported me both financially and prayerfully. Thank you so much!! I could not be here without your support.

Another aspect of life that the Lord has been changing in my heart about is what to do after this internship, and in turn what I truly desire to live for. Lets just say that the plans I had in my head have changed pretty drastically. When I first came down here, I was thinking that after this internship with eMi, Ali and I would try to go travel South America for while after and then return to Colorado and look for a job in Structural Engineering. I also was doubtful about what the Lord was calling me to do, I was worried that Engineering is not for me. But I’ve realized that it is so necessary to take life step by step, and to not pressure yourself to decide what you should do for the REST of your life, which it is easy to fall into that kind of thinking right after you graduate.

I've come to ask myself what do I live for? And what I desire for my answer to be is: to come to know and love the Lord and serve Him by serving others in love. So from this life objective, I've learned that all other things in this world seem so insignificant. I will not get my self worth from a grand job that I might someday have, so the pressure of figuring out what my profession will be for the REST of my life has thankfully become defused. "If I gain the whole world, but not have love, than I gain nothing." 1 Cor. 13

So since then I have felt that the Lord is calling me back to Colorado right after the internship and to see where He leads next. However, as always the Lord can continue to change whatever I think might be next…. so I’m not worried just wanna be ready for the ride. ☺

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