Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A few prayer requests...

I have a few prayer requests if you would like to send up some prayers for my team and I. I greatly appreciate it!!

Prayer requests, please pray for:

• Debbie, who is the wife of our eMi leader, Tom, here in Costa Rica. Debbie recently had surgery to remove a tumor found in her urinary tract. Please pray for strength, a full recovery, and that the tumor will be completely benign. Debbie has also struggled with internal balance issues with experiencing vertigo and intense ringing in her ears.
• An eMi intern, Sam, who is serving as a volunteer on a building project in the Congo. On the project trip, Sam got malaria. Please pray for strength and that the malaria would leave him.
• John, who is the other leader here in our Costa Rica office. He has prostate cancer, but has it under control as of right now. Please pray for John to find the right treatment. John is such an inspiration to us interns here.
• Open doors for opportunities and new ways to serve the community here in Atenas. I am thinking about helping a local orphanage by teaching the kids how to swim. Josh has started to play in the worship band at the local church. Please pray for these things to work out.
• Wisdom to know how to be culturally sensitive and be an effective witness of being a servant for Christ.
• Josh and my financial support to be here volunteering with eMi. We both still lack complete support.
• The completion of the two design projects we are working on for two ministries in Guatemala. Our goal is to finish these projects by mid-May. There is still a lot of work to be done.
• The computer design software, AutoCAD, is the program we use to do all the drawings for our projects. All the eMi offices are in need of new subscriptions. The prices for the new subscriptions are very high and we are praying for some kind of discounted rate so that eMi can afford it. Please pray for favor with the AutoCAD vendors, so we can get this valuable program.
• Please pray for my team and I to be continually learning from the Lord- to be open to any of His leadings and teachings, in order for us to be changed to be more like Jesus.

Thank you so much for all your prayers!!! Dios le bendiga!!

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