Monday, February 25, 2008

Learning me a lot of Spanish

This past week and week to come, all the interns and I are in Tuis, Costa Rica for language school. Tuis is a very small town on the east side of Costa Rica, with only one store and two resturants. Its definitely been an adventure thus far!

Two saturdays ago, Tom (our leader with eMi) dropped us all off in Tuis. Then we were each taken to our new host families homes. I was dropped off first, to find out that my family knew pretty much no english and that I am definitely in need of learning TONS of Spanish! So I tried my best and exhausted all that I knew pretty quickly, but the family is so nice and tries to talk slowly to me in Spanish. ha!

Its been so great to get know all the people here in Tuis. Everyone seems to be connected to one another somehow- either by family or friends. I have never experienced such a rich community as the one here in Tuis. To make things even better, a lot of people here believe in the Lord and strive to be so welcoming!

So the language school we are at is called CISA and is run by two guys named Hector and Daniel. They both are only 31 years old and started the school including working with the indigious in the remote villages located in the mountains. In fact, they started a home located right next to the school that houses about 7 people from the indigious village that are handicapped in some way. The ministry here is so incredible. There is also a church here that Hector and Daniel started and lead every sunday. Both Hector and Daniel are examples of what having much faith can produce. Since they started the church, mission, and school only 5 years ago!

Anyhow, every month Hector and Daniel take people with them to go visit the indigious villages in the mountains. To bring supplies, medical supplies, teach the people the importance of brushing teeth, help build things, and much more. So not knowing prior to coming to language school, all of us interns decided to go on this trip with everyone. So, at 6am this past friday we were off with the group. The trek to the village included a 2 hour drive on a bed of a truck on very bumpy dirt roads with incredible scenery surrounding. Then a 6 hour hike down a 3,000 ft mountain and across many valleys, including riding a zip line across a huge river. It was unbelievable!! There were many pictures taken during the trip so I will post them soon! Also I have many more details and stories to tell about this trip to the indigenous!
So thanks for reading!
Photos: 1. Us interns 2. CISA 3. Us interns hanging out with the indigenous.


Sam said...

You have some amazing stories already. Thank you so much for sharing your heart with us. Miss you tons and love you more!

Anonymous said...

See Here or Here