Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Back in the States

I am now back home in the States. It was a pretty strange transition at first. While Josh, Ali, and I were waiting in the Houston airport, we felt bombarded by all the televisions, filled with useless ads and political news. After coming from a time in my life where my eyes have been more opened to the bigger issues in the world other than the American dream, the emptiness of a lot of the non-worthy things that people chase after seem so blatant. We were also amazed by all the variety of food places available the airport. Our first meal in the States was Panda Express, and we were excited to have Chinese food!

Anyhow, its been great seeing family and friends these couple of weeks. I just moved back to Boulder, Colorado, and am currently seeking what I should do next. I am in hopes of finding a job at an Architectural Engineering firm. I feel like I should pursue a career in this direction for now to see if it is right and to get more experience under my belt. However, I want to dare to live fearlessly and to be open to any new opportunities that Lord puts in my path.

Once again, I would like to thank all of you for all of your support both financially and prayerfully! I wouldn’t have been able to go on this opportunity without your help! I am so grateful for all that the Lord has taught me and for all that I have been able to experience. THANK YOU!!!

What is the true meaning of love?

“If you asked twenty good men today what they thought the highest of virtues, nineteen of them would reply unselfishness. But if you had asked almost any of the greatest Christians of old, he would have replied love. You see what has happened? A negative term has been substituted for a positive, and this is of more than philological importance. The negative idea of unselfishness carries with it the suggestion not primarily of securing good things for others, but of going without them ourselves as if our abstinence and not their happiness was the important point. I do not think this is the Christian virtue of love. The New Testament has lots to say about self-denial but not about self-denial as an end in itself. We are told to deny ourselves and to take up our crosses in order that we follow Christ.” From the “Weight of Glory” by C.S. Lewis

“Relationships are never about power, and one way to avoid the will to power is to choose to limit oneself- to serve for the benefit of another person.” From “The Shack”

Don’t waste your life!

“In life we have two plans we can follow- the culture’s plan or God’s plan. Culture’s plan says to find your groove, settle and establish, earn and save, consolidate and maintain speed, and die- or you can choose to run towards God’s plan…’follow me with abandon at every age with eager expectation that I will use your life for my purposes in the world. Risk always. Never completely settle. Always look toward Heaven for answers. Be mine. Be different. Die gloriously. Quote from Louie Giglio

During my time in Costa Rica, we did a bible study on the book, “Don’t Waste your Life,” by John Piper. I recommend this book to anyone who knows there is more to life than what society tells us. This book is changeling and you won’t be the same after reading it!!

Goodbye party and a farewell to our church

The last Saturday I was in Costa Rica, we had a goodbye lunch with our host families to get together and celebrate the times that we have spent together these past months. It was a great time of cross cultural fellowship; as we shared lunch together at Tom’s house and really enjoyed each other.

Then that next day at church, all of us interns and Tom went up in front of everyone to acknowledge and thank the church and all of the host families. In order for be to be able to speak in front of a crowd of Spanish speakers, I had to write all that I wanted to say in Spanish on a card to take up with me. It was a real testimony to myself about how far and how much Spanish I’ve learned since I first arrived in Costa Rica. We then presented them beautiful tropical flowers. This was the least we could have done for them!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Celebrating the 4th of July in Costa Rica….sadly no fireworks here.

Celebrating the 4th of July in another country can be very interesting. There sadly weren’t any fireworks for us to watch, but luckily we did have each other (Tom and his family and us interns) as fellow Americans. After a full day of work at the office, we headed over to Tom’s house for some games and festivities. Tom’s three kids and his wife, Debbie, planned some really fun games for us to do together. We started out with a couple of obstacle course games indoors (it was pouring outside ☺), then to a leapfrog competition, American history trivia, and then a flag-making contest. We then shared a wonderful American type meal with hotdogs, a big salad, baked beans, and a potato salad. After dinner, we watched a very American football movie called, “Facing the Giants.” Then to top off the night we had an excellent chocolate cake decorated as the American flag!

Trip to Bocas del Toro, Panama

Ali, Josh, and I got to take a trip down to the islands off of Panama for a weekend. It took us about 6 hours on 2 different buses and then a 1 hour ride on a speed boat to the island, Bocas del Toro. On the way to Panama, there were tons and tons of banana plantations; I was in shock of how many there were. Seriously Chiquita and Dole know what they are doing.

Anyhow we rode in a speedboat through rivers that had some random houses (wooden shacks) constructed in this very marshy area, it really blew my mind to think that people live there in such primitive conditions. The river then opened up to the ocean and then many islands came into view. It was fascinating to see how people lived on these tiny islands, with only boats to construct all that they had. And there was surprisingly a lot of development in the main part of the island. Our speedboat then docked up to the “boat stop,” where there were over 10 water taxis and a trash boat.

The next day we got to go on a mini snorkel trip, where a boat took us out to a spot in the ocean, and we hopped out and went snorkeling. The water was pretty crystal clear even though the sky was overcast. Under the water, it was a whole new world; with so many varying types of coral and creatures. Ali and I actually spotted a stingray! After getting over the shock of seeing a stingray, we followed behind cautiously in complete awe. The stingray was dark brownish and polka dotted, actually very beautiful. Then a little bit later that day, we were swimming along, and then bam!, we saw a barracuda just resting right in front of us!! After that initial shock, we stared at it multiple times. The barracuda could have easily been as long as 2 and half feet. What an awe-inspiring experience!!

Here are some pictures of our experience in Bocas del Toro: