Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Celebrating the 4th of July in Costa Rica….sadly no fireworks here.

Celebrating the 4th of July in another country can be very interesting. There sadly weren’t any fireworks for us to watch, but luckily we did have each other (Tom and his family and us interns) as fellow Americans. After a full day of work at the office, we headed over to Tom’s house for some games and festivities. Tom’s three kids and his wife, Debbie, planned some really fun games for us to do together. We started out with a couple of obstacle course games indoors (it was pouring outside ☺), then to a leapfrog competition, American history trivia, and then a flag-making contest. We then shared a wonderful American type meal with hotdogs, a big salad, baked beans, and a potato salad. After dinner, we watched a very American football movie called, “Facing the Giants.” Then to top off the night we had an excellent chocolate cake decorated as the American flag!

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